Friday, April 9, 2010

Baratie Sketch 1.0

Got 3 days holiday, I don't know what to do and where to go, so I decided to make some sketches just for fun. And this picture is born, still working on the color ( don't know when I can finish this ).

The best part is, I like the stroke effect on this picture. Thanks to my Kuretake sketching pen, that make this thing happen. I found this pen when I browse for marker on popular bookstore, since then this pen has become my favorite pen for line drawing. The website:

This is how the pen looks like:


  1. astagakerenbanget *minderdotcom* huhuhu :(

  2. Yay! you are the first comment, you will get a present! minder apa,

  3. hah? sungguh? gambarnya buat gue? *ngarepdotcom* hahahaha
    eh eh btw master dah nonton tekkon kinkreet kah? keren abis lo pasti suka animasinya :D

  4. Mau gambarnya mah tinggal klik terus klik kanan dapet deh gambarnya haha
    Udaahh.... salah satu anime favorit g tuh, detail backgroundnya mantep yah, ada szatu lagi sih yang keren judulnya Aachi and SSipak dari Korea, pernah denger gak?
