Saturday, May 29, 2010

PIxel Art 1.0: Dark Mansion Game

Pict 1.0. Lab Area

Pict 2.0. Library Area

Pict 3.0. Kitchen Area

This is the artwork that I made for the flash game which is not been published, because we have the problem with timing and the game concept which look boring :P well, Enjoy!


  1. Helo Ton! Baru tau ternyata lu ada blog juga LOL. Wah ini lu yg buat, jago yaa. I love the details. Tentang apa sih game nya?

  2. Pixel art in your hand is like magic, like the color's contrast and the details. Nice job Master

  3. M: Hi Maroo, iyah nih baru bikin blognya. Thank you ^^. Gamenya macam clock tower yang kesatu sih, hindarin setan atau ngumpet dalem lemari.

    W: Thanks ;)
